Retail Therapy

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  After a few rough days this week I had a great time with my parents.  This week has been a great time of reflection over the past year.  Many thanks to all who have reached out and been with me through it all.  The Lord is faithful. 

Words of a friend ring through my mind this week, “distance between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep”.  Oh, those words have never been truer than this week.  “His joy comes in the morning.”  Indeed it does.  This week has had its share of adjustments.  As I recover from surgery, deal with major changes to my body and learn that I need more surgery immediately, my head has spun and emotions have run high and low.  But the One that hasn’t changed is the Lord. 

I made a major accomplishment today, Black Friday shopping is a tradition in our family and I had decided to go last night but this morning I was nervous to be out in the crowds.  My dad challenged me to try it and promised to guard me from any pushing and shoving if it occurred, my very own body-guard.  Truth be known, I was nervous to be out because I didn’t look “normal”.   After a little persuasion, I was dressed with my wig on and ready to go.  It turns out retail therapy is good medicine.  After a few purchases I was good and feeling like myself.  Although my energy did not sustain for long I was able to get a few good deals.  We returned home and promptly went back to bed.  After a 3 hour nap, I was well rested and felt like I had conquered the day. 

I’m learning this year many things look different from years past but I will be forever grateful for the lessons I’m learning along the way.

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  –Psalm 118:24

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.” –Psalm 100:4-5


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4 responses to “Retail Therapy

  1. Becky

    I’m glad you hit up Black Friday – that’s a tradition in my family, too. Shopping always makes one feel better! I am praying for ya, girl! 🙂 You are amazing!

  2. Erville Orndorff

    Jenn, glad that you had a good Thanksgiving. Black Friday shopping was probably good therapy. You are in my prayers everyday!! Love you Erville

  3. Jan Wyrick

    Jenn, So glad to have a computor so I can keep in touch better. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving and got in a little shopping. As everyday you will be in my Prayers on Monday.

  4. So glad you got some sleep and that you got to go out and enjoy the Black Friday family tradition! Not to mention that I benefited from the whole deal! 🙂 Thanks! Can’t wait to see ya soon!

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