
JennWelcome to Jenn’s Story. This blog was created by Jennifer Cunningham Kimbrell as a way to share her story and update friends and family following her October 2009 breast cancer diagnosis.

Jennifer felt deeply connected to her blog “family” and was greatly encouraged by her readers and their comments. Although Jennifer went home to be with the Lord in October 2010, the blog remains to share her story and her faith with others.

If you have questions about the blog, please contact Nicole Knox at nmknox@gmail.com or on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/nicknox.

13 responses to “About

  1. Dianne L. Taylor

    Hi Jennifer. I learned of your situation yesterday and have been praying specifically about it since then! I am glad to have information regarding your blog; to stay up on what’s going on and to continue to know what’s up on your prayer list. What a great “army of friends” you have–a real blessing.

  2. Melissa

    You know, I love you ! Sometimes we just don’t say it enough. You have been on my mind constantly. I say a prayer for you every night and day. (and I have instucted those guardian angles to stay by your side) Please know you are in my heart and on my mind. (Taylor’s too) She has asked about you every day.

  3. Arlene

    Hey Jennifer,

    I was just informed of your situation and I did what every tuff woman would do, I cried and then started praying immediately….I miss our deep conversations i.e., American Idol…….:)

    After reading your blog, you have some amazing friends and prayer warriors..Just know you are covered here in California and miss your pretty face.

  4. Rena Blais

    Hi Jennifer…
    Melanie just told me and sent me your blog… just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and sending you lots of Prayers and Positive thoughts. I know you have a wonderful family and now I know you have great friends… Also, sending you a great BIG HUG!


  5. Gayle Sahlin

    Hi Jennifer,

    Just learned of your story. You are strong & courageous and your confidence in the Lord is an encouragment to us all. Praying Ps 91 for you today. May you dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

    Your Saddleback friends love you and are lifting you up in prayer.

  6. Jeanne Mixon

    Hey Jennifer, my heart is broken that you and your family have this challenge to go through. I could only read a portion of your blog as the tears fell knowing that one of our babies is going through a trial that we can not do for you. You are so loved and are covered in prayer here with serious warriors for our King. A prayer partner of mine, Phillis DeSomone, has just been through this challenge in her life and is lead to pray for others and share her strength through God using this in her life. I will give her your address, she is a wonderful woman who just completed what you are experiencing. Bye for now, know that I love you, we love you and we are praying for you continually. Your sister in Christ, Jeanne

  7. Anita Chavez

    Just got the news this morning. What a woman of faith you are and that faith will see you through. We ask our Father to heal you completely, from head to toe. That the cancer would shrivel up and die.

    Main Entry: shriv·el
    Pronunciation: \ˈshri-vəl, especially Southern ˈsri-\
    Function: verb
    Inflected Form(s): shriv·eled or shriv·elled; shriv·el·ing or shriv·el·ling \ˈshri-vəl-iŋ, ˈsri-; ˈshriv-liŋ, ˈsriv-\
    Etymology: origin unknown
    Date: 1565
    intransitive verb
    1 : to draw into wrinkles especially with a loss of moisture
    2 a : to become reduced to inanition, helplessness, or inefficiency

    Got the visual?
    In Jesus name!
    Another sister in Christ

  8. Michelle

    Dear Jenn,
    Amber Mathews McCreery, one of my best friends, forwarded your blog to me. Just 8 months ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. Know that, even as strangers, God arranges the opportunities to learn from one another and to grow in faith that we can not only survive cancer but truly be transformed by it. Please feel free to email me and I’m happy to chat about all the crazy things that nobody ever talks about re: chemo, surgery, and the life after—I’m still working on that piece!! 🙂

    many blessings to you along your journey!

  9. Terri Prout

    YOU are an inspiration. That smile and sassy attitude make you stand out. I know Friday will be a challenge, but you are taking the steps to beat this and I know that you will. You are a winner.

    Everytime Nicole speaks of you the admiration is so evident. She feels such a strong bond, I know there must be others who feel the same way. It’s as though the freinds you have are right there fighting with you.

    Love and blessings.
    Terri Prout

  10. Michelle

    Jenn, I pray that the surgery will be a great success and that you will heal with God’s grace. I recommend only eating Jello after surgery for a good while and try to walk around as soon as you can. Meds are good. Be sure to ask for them when you need them. Be patient with yourself. Rest your spirit. It too needs to heal.

  11. Emily Biggers

    I don’t know you, but I know two of your friends (Christy M and Christie N). I want you to know what an inspiration your blog was to me as I began reading through it tonight. I am on my knees praying for you as a sister in Christ. May God bless you every step of the way. May His strength and comfort be yours every single day.
    Emily Biggers
    Hebrews 10:23

  12. Cynthia Perkins

    Hi Jenn,

    Not sure if you remember me or not but I am Sarah Perrins’ sister. I met you years ago when I came to Florida to visit Sarah. Sarah has told me about your journey and I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you every day. God Bless you and your family

  13. Hello there Jenn …

    I don’t believe we know each other, but I was contacted by a mutual friend who wanted me to look into your story … I am known as Mike Pink Shoes in the breast cancer community and my passion is raising awareness, funds, spirits and heck in the fight against breast and other cancers … This has led me on a remarkable and blessed journey in which I have met the most wonderful people all over the country whom I call my ‘Survivor Warriors’ … I just wanted you to know that you are my newest Survivor Warrior and I have joined the many, many people who are praying for you daily … If you ever have questions or just need someone to talk to, I can put you in touch with Christian and compassionate women who have faced this beast … Sometimes it feels really good to talk to others who KNOW what you are going through, not because they read or heard about it, but because they’ve lived it … Also, would love to meet you in person … In the meantime, I continue to pray … For strength, peace and comfort …

    Your brother in Christ … with much love …

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